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Collect slides

Create that first presentation draft or collect the slides that inspire you!

Sven Degroote avatar
Written by Sven Degroote
Updated over 2 years ago

As a consultant you have to have the ability to craft a slide deck with a clear structure and a compelling storyline so it leads your audience to your objective.

Basically there are two important components when it comes to making kick-ass slides decks.

  1. The Thinking proces: This can be seen as the analysis, research and insight phase that happens before you even open up PowerPoint.

  2. The Presentation: This is where you bring your thoughts and insights together in a clear and structured slide deck.

Unlike other tools Uman helps you in both processes. You can search in the collective brain of your colleagues to find the answers you need and you build up your presentation in 1 flow.

Awesome, let's see how it works..

You can create a new slide deck starting based on slides that already exist containing the relevant info you need.

  1. Go to the tab Slides

  2. Collect the slide you need

  3. A popup emerges at the bottom

Once you have collected your slides you can easily download them with one click on on the button.

So whenever you need to draft that first deck, find slides to fit in your current deck. Collect and download them right away!

Check out more Resources related to Slides

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