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Dynamic Previews

The fastest & most effective way to determine which search results are best for you.

Sven Degroote avatar
Written by Sven Degroote
Updated over a week ago

What is a Preview?

Previews help you determine which search results are relevant for you. For every result a visual preview is generated to find information much faster.

Why do Previews matter?

It can save you a lot of time not having to open all results to see what's inside. Trust us, you'll get frustrated pretty fast!

What are "Dynamic" Previews?

Hard question but with a simple answer. Previews of documents will change dynamically based on the search query you enter in the search box or the filters you apply.

Let's take the example here above. The search that was entered is "content writing proposal" which provided results with some relevant previews. You immediately can determine that this result is relevant.

If you would change the search query to "content writing project objectives" you notice that the previews have changed aswel.

The entire document is still very relevant but the order of the previews changed based on the relevancy of slides within the presentation.

This way you are ensured that relevancy on different levels is always preserved!

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