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Dynamic Filters
Sven Degroote avatar
Written by Sven Degroote
Updated over a week ago

We all love a good filter, don't we? uman provides you with a mix of both static and dynamic filters. Let us explain the difference between a static and a dynamic filter first:

A dynamic filter is a type of filter that adapts and changes based on the user's search query or the content being searched. Instead of having pre-determined filter options, a dynamic filter analyzes the search results and provides relevant filter options based on the context.

How does it work?

The dynamic filter bar can be found below the tabs.
In the example below we've search for YouTube, which generated a set of filters related to YouTube providing immediate insights. Let's have a look:

How to interpret the filters.

  • Past Year: View search results from the current day and the 365 days preceding the current day.

  • Past 6 Months: View search results from the current day and the 182 days preceding the current day.

  • Past Month: View search results from the current day and the 30 days preceding the current day.

  • Bookmarked: View all of your bookmarked documents.

  • My content: View all documents that you have created and/or modified.

How to use it

To apply a filter, all you need to do is click on it. It's possible to apply multiple filters simultaneously by clicking on more than one filter. Additionally, you can scroll through the filters to access additional options.

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